Some towns and cities in Maine have citizens committed to having pesticide free areas . Check with your local town office or city hall to see if your town has a map like one in Camden, Maine. Studies have shown that homeowners use over 10 times as many pesticides as U.S. farms! If your town doesn't have a pesticide free map, perhaps you could start the movement in your own town.
Citizens For a Green Camden
The City of Portland and its citizens will not be using synthetic pesticides starting in July 2019! Read about it in the Portland Press Herald:
Portland Protectors:
A way to help save the bees is to also support your local farms who do not use pesticides on their crops.
Beth's only uses pesticides when the plants are small and vulnerable. The bees should not be affected.
Runamuk Acres
Runamuk Acres is a certified bee-friendly farm and apiary located in Maine, owned and operated through a partnership between Sam(antha) Burns and Paul Smith. Currently, Runamuk produces raw honey and handcrafted beeswax products, as well as fresh-eggs and vegetables that sold locally at the Madison Farmers' Market.
Winterberry Farm
Located in the Belgrade Lakes Region of Maine, Winterberry farm is a small, diversified certified organic, animal-powered farm.
Sparky's Apiaries
Located in Hope, Maine, Sparky's Apiaries was started with just one beehive in 1980. Now with over 250 hives, Sparky's offers a wide array of honey and maple products at the farm and local markets.
Fun fact: David (Sparky) can be seen on an old episode of "Reading Rainbow" with Levar Burton, talking about the "Lifecycle of the Honeybee."