How To be a bee keeper

setting up a hive

putting bees in the hive

keeping the bees healthy

Beekeeping 101

Interested in becoming a beekeeper in Maine?

Check out the Maine State Beekeepers Association for all kinds of good information.

Tools for a Beekeeper

A veil, bee suit and gloves:
When worn correctly, protective clothing can help keep stings to a minimum.

This tool makes a cool smoke that masks the alarm pheromones, and causes the bees to start eating honey .
Hive tool:

A steel tool that has many uses. It can open the hive, scrape wax, propolis and move frames.

Hive stand:

This improves air circulation by elevating the hive.
Bottom board:

The bottom floor of the hive.
Two deep hive bodies:

These boxes are used as areas for babies and food by the bees.

Nine or Ten frames with foundation per hive body:
The bees build honeycomb cells onto the frames.
Shallow honey supers with frames:

Where the bees store extra honey in these boxes.
Queen excluder:

A frame and grid that keeps the queen separated from the supers.
Outer cover:

A roof that protects hive from the weather.

Provides bees with extra food like sugar syrup when their normal food sources run low.